27 Mayıs 2021 Perşembe







Blogs, podcasts, and video games are some of the most common user-generated content sources today. To look at user-generated content we should see it as a network, in the sense that it is used today, where life is lived in and through networks. The proper use of Web 2.0 technologies can be beneficial for students to gain the skills which are necessary to navigate today as opposed to current system where the focus is on individualised acquisition of content and skills. Social networks such as blogs, wikis, etc. provide learners training spaces for thinking about concepts, testing their knowledge, and seeing how their mental images measure against diverse input. One another important benefit of the web is that it is a public environment where teachers and learners can observe the learning/teaching processes.

Apart from its benefits, there are some limitations also. The trend to Web 2.0 learning, according to critics of user-generated online content, does not match the quality requirements in higher education. They refer to the fact that most content on the internet is unfiltered and unauthenticated. Students cannot navigate through the generally unreliable mass of information without the help of an authority figure and appropriate skills.

In a networked world where the kind of knowledge we acquire is worth exploring, the need to evaluate the value of learning something is a meta skill that is practiced before learning. When information is insufficient, the valuation process is assumed to be specific to learning, whereas when information is abundant, rapid assessment of information is important, and we need to act by extracting information outside of our primary knowledge.

As emphasized by the issues affecting Web 2.0 course design, the better the design of the teaching strategy used by educators, the better the tool used. In Web 2.0 applications, the main focus is on collaboration and active participation, not control and coercion. The important thing is to create, share and interact together. This gives us an important insight into how to design educational uses for these apps and services. Reflecting the powerful ideas behind tools and services that have a lot of potential for education, Web 2.0 is actually more than a set of tools and services.

Here I leave my friends' blog links for you to explore more knowledge and ideas:

6 Mayıs 2021 Perşembe



Edpuzzle is a straightforward, web-based program that combines visual content with a question-and-answer format.  This platform attempts to engage students in "traceable" work since individuals learn more with visual content. The site has a vast number of videos of all types, ranging from linguistics to sports, as well as YouTube videos. Teachers can use the tool to search - or upload - a video, add questions regarding the content that will show during the screenplay at various moments, and assign it to their students. They can also use the question-and-answer videos that have already been prepared. The platform is  interactive and designed to make students enjoy their learning process. 

5 Mayıs 2021 Çarşamba


Pear Deck is a tool which allows preparing interactive presentations. It can be described as a quick way of transforming presentations into classroom conversations. Teachers can use Pear Deck to ask various types of questions suchs as text responsed, multiple choice questions,etc. and allow students to respond them. Below are some tips for using Pear Deck in a lesson:

Firstly you should create a slide on google slides and choose Pear Deck among "adds on":

Then you can create questions for your students by choosing a question type or you can add audio to your slide from the tab on the right of the page:

Before creating a question some previews are shown, here are some examples for different types of questions:


After the previews, you can create your questions and responses. Also you can make some arrangements on responses. For example, in "Draggable Responses" you can decide the shape, color and size of draggable:

You can also arrange the options for multiple choice responds:

When you are done with creation of your questions, you should click "start lesson" button. Then you sould choose the lesson mode. It can be either student-paced activity or instructor-paced activity:

After chosing your class mode, Pear Deck will give you a code. By sharing this code with your students you will let them to answer the questions:

Students should go "joinpd.com" and enter the code given by teacher. When the students are connected you can click "start class" button:

When answers are given, you can decide whether to hide or show the responses. Also you can lock screens. You can decide what to do and choose the buttons accordingly:

For example if you choose to show responses you can view them as can be seen below:

At the end you can end the session either naming it or not:

4 Mayıs 2021 Salı


Edmodo is a web 2.0 tool used to create a virtual classroom. Using Edmodo, it will be very easy to communicate with your students outside of the classroom and send them work. To use Edmodo, you must first log in. Then you can create your class as a teacher and invite your students to your class by sharing your class code. There are various things you can arrange that would be beneficial for your teaching process by using edmodo. Below are some tips for using edmodo as a teacher:

Home page: You can choose what to do and click related button:

When you create a class, you can open it by clicking "your classes" button and then see the details:

You can invite your students by sharing your class code:

You can share posts with your students and you can communicate with via commenting on these posts:

You can upload folders to back up your lessons by some materials:

You can view your members by clicking to the "members" button:

You can add a calendar for your lessons and assignments:

By clicking "create" button you can choose to create both assignments and quizes:

You can organize your assignment by adding details:


Hello everybody! I took 1/5 courses of Business English Communication Skills from University of Washington and here is my certificate. I will be uploading my other certificates in time, keep waiting :)



 Hello there! I took 1/8 of courses required for TESOL Specialization Certificate from Arizona State University.  Here is my certificate of the first part of this course: Foundational Principles of Teaching English. Keep in touch to see the rest of the certificates :)


  Busuu offers courses at A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.  Users sign up as they...