6 Nisan 2021 Salı
At first, let's look at multimedia learning; it is building mental representations by integrating words and pictures. When it comes to the cognitive theory of multimedia learning, it is developed by Richard E. Mayer. To Mayer, learning is deeper when the words and visuals are integrated, this is called multimedia principle. According to this principle; as graphics promote active learning, they should be explanative. When the graphics and the text are used simultaneously, it is easier for learners to make connections between them. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning is based on three assumptions. First one is "the dual channel assumption" stating that working memory has auditory and visual channels and use of both is crucial. The second assumption is "the limited capacity assumption". It says learners have limited capacity of memory; if the visual or audio information is loaded much, it will be tiring and the learning will not be effective. And the third assumption is "the active processing assumption". This assumption states that people should pay attention to the relevant material, organize it into a coherent mental structure and integrate it with their prior knowledge so that build knowledge in meaningful ways. You can examine the mind map below also, in that way you will integrate the visual and my words :)
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At first, let's look at m ultimedia learning; it is building mental representations by integrating words and pictures. When it com...
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